Has this happened to you? You clearly shared your point of view or asked for something and you find out later that what you said was completely misunderstood? Read on for all the ways to easily remedy this.
Read MoreIn general, conflict has a bad rap, something to be avoided. For many, literally to be avoided at all costs. Truthfully, the costs might be more than you anticipate or imagine.
Read MoreThe holiday season is such a mix. It’s a little bit tricky. Some look forward to it, and some dread it, some are a mix for sure. We have been guided into thinking that’s it’s happy time no matter what, and family is the most important thing. This time of year can have us thinking there is something wrong with us, given how wildly different the holidays are for us.
Read MoreHow do you make the choices in your life? When you make agreements –or ask for what you want, are you stuck in a strategy? You might say no to this, and I’m encouraging you to check in and explore more deeply how you are weaving your life choices together.
Read MoreToxic Relationships. Toxic Conversations. Toxic People. What do you mean when you use this word toxic?
Read MoreI did a thing. We turned our clocks forward an hour and I didn’t miss a minute of sleep!
Read MoreA relationship will suffer from too many complaints. I have yet to see or hear about a relationship that suffered from too much genuine appreciation.
Read MoreI’m not a big fan of labels. They tend to leave us more disconnected rather than moving in the direction of mutual care and understanding. With a few exceptions.
Read MoreAre you feeling lonely? Perhaps it’s not quite the word you would choose. Yet somehow the word blends in with feeling kind of ‘off’ in often unidentifiable ways. Here are some ways to navigate through this.
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