Has this happened to you? You clearly shared your point of view or asked for something and you find out later that what you said was completely misunderstood? Read on for all the ways to easily remedy this.
Read MoreIn general, conflict has a bad rap, something to be avoided. For many, literally to be avoided at all costs. Truthfully, the costs might be more than you anticipate or imagine.
Read MoreLooking for ways to enhance your Gratitude Practice? I invite you to join me. I will be writing a Love Letter a Day in 2025. The purpose of this practice is to bring more love and joy into life and to remind me that I can always find something to be grateful for — even on the darkest days.
Read MoreHow many times has this happened in your conversations? You say something and the other person gets upset. Your response is one of two: What did I do or say that caused this distress? (What’s wrong with me?) or; Why are they upset –being too sensitive? (What’s wrong with them?) Looking for someone to blame for the distress. Opting out of fault finding is essential for resolving painful conflict.
Read MoreAre you interested in finding love? Unless you are currently feeling resigned, I’m guessing you are a yes. Whether with a partner or inside your family relationships, friendships –anywhere really? You can find it almost everywhere.
Read MoreWhen you are communicating with your family, friends, significant others, kids, and co-workers, please consider the subtle differences that make a significant difference in how connecting the conversation(s) will be.
Read MoreHave you noticed as I have that the polarization ‘out there’ is prevalent in ways that I haven’t before experienced. We are losing our interest in and maybe even capacity to talk to one another. I believe that dialogue is our only hope of finding peace these days, if peace is meant to be.
Read More‘I deserve’ language is more about power over rather than power with. There is some sort of fight in that language. Which creates more distance rather than connection, don’t you think?
Read MoreThe holiday season is such a mix. It’s a little bit tricky. Some look forward to it, and some dread it, some are a mix for sure. We have been guided into thinking that’s it’s happy time no matter what, and family is the most important thing. This time of year can have us thinking there is something wrong with us, given how wildly different the holidays are for us.
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