Writing A Love Letter Every Day

Looking for ways to enhance your Gratitude Practice? I invite you to join me. I will be writing Daily Love Letters in 2025.

The purpose of this practice is to bring more love and joy into life and to remind me that I can always find something to be grateful for—even on the darkest days.

Use this as your opportunity to uncover what lies inside and share it with us. No worries about how much time it will take and that you won’t be able to fit it in. One sentence will be enough. Writing it to anyone or anything will be enough. In my letters, I will add the why, and why I’m saying so now (see below for some examples). Yet on the busy days, maybe not. Those might be the days I simply write: “My window.” No fluff, no description—making this gratitude practice easy. It will never be an obligation or a chore.

You might want to write to your heart’s content if something robust and meaningful is wanting to be expressed. We can repeat a love letter. I may love my grass on Tuesday, and on Wednesday I love it even more!

I want to do it in community. Inspiration is one of my core needs, so reading your Love Letters will inspire me. I might even write a love letter to you for posting yours here. My plan (because I like structure) will be to do it relatively at the same time each day. As an early riser it will be first thing. You get to decide how this practice will fit best into your life.

How can you participate?

Just post your letter into the comments section of any love letter I’ve posted my Daily Love Letters blog right here. That’s it! No logging in. No registration needed. No commitment required, yet I am hoping you will see this as your daily practice, as well. Doing it with you offers us all an experience of connection and inspiration and community.

We begin IMBOLC February 1, 2025

This date heralds the beginning of spring. It is the time between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. It is a time that invites us to consider what we want to plant and harvest. Join me in harvesting gratitude, joy, love, and celebration into everyday life. I’m beginning then, please join WHENEVER you want!

Terrie Lewine2 Comments